My Journey | Introduction

My story begins back in 2017 when I first discovered self-publishing. I told myself then that I was going to make this a thing, that I was going to quit my job and become a full-time author. Needless to say, none of that happened then, and I was forced to maintain my 9 to 5. One day that all came to a halt when Jered and I decided that it would be best for me to stay home and he works. So, I became a stay at home mom, and I needed something to do, this was in October or November of 2018. It was during this time that I turned back to self-publishing. Now, I am working on books, blogging and attending college to flourish as a person and gain financial freedom.

In the lifestyle section of this blog, I will be sharing with you all "My Journey" as well as exciting and defining moments in my life as it pertains to school and content creation.

Until Next Time,
See You!

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