9 Books and resources that I am Currently Utilizing In Order To Expand My Knowledge

I enjoy a good book, especially if it can expand my knowledge. In this article, I will be sharing with you my March 2019 reading and resource list. 

This is the current journal that I use for blogging. This is a super cute and fun planner that I love picking up to plan with.

02. Blogging for Dummies By Susan Gunelius

Blogging for dummies is a step by step how to guide when creating a blog. Currently, this is my go-to guide whenever I get stuck or have a question while blogging.

03. Create One - Year Blog and Editorial Planner By Meera Kothand

This is how I track my content, however, I have a separate content calendar that I keep, I still use this one to keep everything in one place.

04. Steal Like an Artist By Austin Kleon

Here is a newer book that I am adding to my reading list for this month. This book is for creators that are looking to "unlock creativity."

05. Steal Like an Artist Journal By Austin Kleon

This is the companion workbook to the above book by Austin Kleon. This book is meant to be carried around at all times and worked in at least once a day to reinforce what was taught in the previous book.

06. Stickers by Happy Stickers

I love happy stickers, and I put them everywhere. I know that it isn't a book, but it is a resource that I use. They help me stay focused, and they also help me stay focused and retain information.

07. Dot Journals

I use a Dot Journal to store my ideas and concepts that I wish to come back to.

08. Blogging Binder, Productivity Binder, Study Binder, and Goal Binder

These are binders that I have up together after searching for a way to maintain the different areas of my life.

09. Pipsticks and Workman Planner

This is my all in one planner, in this planner, I keep track of everything that I am working on. This binder is my general planner, then I go into detail in my binders, my blogging planner, and my dot journal. I know that it may seem like a lot to keep track of, but this is what's working for me.

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