Content Creator Spotlight Jessie Sullivan

Q1 | How long have you been a content creator? What type of content do you create and for whom?

I've been a private content creator from the age of ten. Publically, I started back in October. First, it started as a mom blog and me getting back to writing, something I've always been passionate about. The content I created was for parents, tips, and tricks, as well as hobbies to do at home. The goal was always for me to gain enough confidence to write a book. Finally, I'm happy to say I accomplished that goal. Now I have another blog, all about my journey of becoming a self-published author, where I also do book reviews specifically for other self-published authors.

Q2 | What is your mission statement, purpose, or mantra? What is your favorite quote?

Ending the stigma around mental health and giving a voice to people who felt they couldn't share their story. How it is okay to not be okay. That we should no longer be suffering in silence.

Q3 | What are your relevant blog and website links? What are your social media links?

My bookie blog Instagram | 

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Q4 | What are the highs and lows of your content creation process? What is your advice to new content creators?

The highs are finding your passion and feeling comfortable in yourself to pursue it. The lows are anxiety and self-doubt, especially when surrounded by the wrong type of people. My advice to new content creators is too cut those negative influences out of your life and surround yourself with SUPPORTIVE, like-minded people. Who would rather build you up than tear you down?

Q5 | What are your content creation goals for 2019?

For 2019, my goals are too ready for my first book and release it to the public. Finish the second one. While also creating high-quality content on my blog and I'm also going to be attempting a vlog series on YouTube titled "The Buzzed Bibliophiles" because that's the only way my introvert self could get on camera at first.

Q6 | Who are your favorite content creators or gurus? Provide relevant links. What other content creation activities are you involved in?

Jenna Moreci's YouTube channel. Seriously the best and funniest guide. As well as Mandi Lynn. So far, I'm not involved in any other content creations. I am a moderator of an amazing FaceBook group that supports and helps other beginner writers become content creators.

Q7 | What are 3 books you would recommend to other content creators?

The Story Grid by Shawn Coyne (really talks about the importance of story building) "I Give You My Body" by Diana Gabaldon (if you want to write sex scenes, I've only recently started reading this) The Saviors Champion by Jenna Moreci, just because you want to read an awesome story.

Q8 | Do you see content creation as a career or a hobby? What Merch or Content, that you have created, would you like to shout out?

My mom blog was just a hobby, but now creating content for my writer's blog at Secret of Flames, I see this as the start of a career. Promoting myself and my books. I'm just now starting to create merch, maybe I'll have it done and available when we do the interview.

Q9 Tell us a little about you or What is your author/creator bio?

I'm a wife and stay at home mother two. I've always had a passion for both reading books and creating my own stories. Even when I was in school, my mind always wandered to the stories in my head. I've written a women's fiction novel titled Silent Flame and currently writing the sequel.

Q10 | Did you know that the CCS also has a recommendation program? This is for any content creators that you personally know and would enjoy being in the spotlight. List 3 up to individuals you believe deserve a turn in the spotlight and why.

Chrystal Santoro - Founder of the Facebook Supporting Beginner Writer's group and also a blogger. A super amazing person with a very uplifting story to tell. She's overcome so much but yet still encourages other people every day. Megan Kola - Aspiring writer and my "Buzzed Bibliophile" vlogger mate. Also, a very supportive person and has very good instincts when it comes to this industry.

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