Camp NaNoWriMo is right around the corner and it is time to prepare! Here are 7 Tips on how to Mentally Prepare For Camp NaNoWriMo.
01. Determine Your Goals
Begin with the end in mind. When you are getting ready for Camp NaNoWriMo, it is best to know what you want to do and create a plan on how you are going to accomplish your goals. It is best to have a planner or a dedicated notebook/binder to keep track of your progress.
02. Be Real With Yourself
Know your limitations and work with them. This is not to say don't push yourself, but taking baby steps as opposed to giant leaps can be ideal at times. If you know that you have a heavy workload, then plan to write either early in the morning or later at night. If you know that you have a 2000 word essay due in a week, don't try to cram in long writing sprints.
03. Have a Support System
Here in the age of social media, there are a number of support sites and groups for every niche, hobby, and trade.
04. Find Inspiration
Immerse yourself in things that bring you joy. I created an inspirational binder. In this binder, I keep photos, quotes and other things that I find inspiring inside. It's like a vision board but in a book.
05. Get Organized
Being organized is very important. While planning is apart of being organized. It is also important to make sure you are not scrambling to collect everything you need. I keep my writing materials in 3 bins, one for paper, notebooks, and sticker, the other 2 for pencils, pens, markers, and highlighter. I also have a ruler and pencil sharpener that I place in the first bin. This allows me to quickly grab my things, cut on my heater (regardless the weather), cut on my diffuser, wrap myself up in a blanket and get to typing.
06. Practice Self-Care
If your body and mind are not in a good place, you may find it hard to get in the zone when it comes to writing for Camp NaNoWriMo. Self-care can be anything from a spa day to a bubble bath, even sleeping in a few hours more. It is best to take care of yourself.