Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo itself are a great way to challenge yourself if you are a writer looking to complete that novel you have been wanting to finish for a while now. In this article, I will be sharing several tips that I use during camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo.
01. Plan Ahead
Plan, plan, plan, plan, plan. The better organized you are, the less stress you will feel when it comes to finding time to write. If you really want to do something, you will find a way to make that happen. I find it easiest to plan when I have it all laid out on a calendar, journal, or planner. Find what works for you. If you are new to planning, this is a great way to become acquainted with the concept.
02. Eliminate Distractions
When you are writing, it is best to get rid of distractions. Like I said in earlier posts, I like to write on the couch. When he is home, my husband tends to the children so that I can blast my music and write because he knows that this is important to me and he wants me to reach my goals just as much as I do. He is so supportive.
03. Writing Sprints
Writing sprints are fun! They will get you motivated. It's like going to the gym and having a gym, or having a hype man while you perform on stage. Writing sprints are no different. They will encourage you to write your heart out and then some. When you are done, you will feel like you just finished a good workout.
04. Keep A Notebook Close By
Write down your thoughts! For those of you who like a digital medium, save it in a note on your phone. One easy way to do this is to either use google docs or carry around a small bullet journal. I like the bullet journals because they aren't constricting like lined journals. But a lined journal works the same. If you are not into google docs, then text or email yourself. I have done that in the past.
05. Schedule Writing Times
In addition to planning, it is a good idea to block out time for writing. For me, I write early in the morning before everyone wakes up when my kids are occupied with a movie or playing in their rooms, and whenever they are taking a nap. On the weekends, I get a little more freedom because my husband is here so I can write just about anytime since he is here to help with the children,
For those of you looking for exact times, I have writing times from 4am - 7am then 2pm - 5pm and then again from 7pm-9:30pm on a regular day. During the weekends. I get my best writing in between 4am and 10am then from 8:30pm and whenever I decide to go to bed.
06. Write During Commute
If you take public transportation, or you are a passenger, you can always work during your commute. Back in the day, before I got a car, I used to draw everything in a notebook or write on my iPad. Working during your commute is excellent because you are productive with your time. It is way better than sitting in silence, just don't miss your stop.
07. Set A Realistic Goal
Set a realistic goal, meaning set a goal that you know is attainable. This is very important if you want to elevate having the "Am I in over my head" conversation with yourself. I have been there many a time, and it can be a very dark place at times.
08. Set Mini-Goals
Set smaller goals so that you can track your progression. When working on a big project like NaNoWriMo, it is a good idea to monitor your progress so that you do not feel like you are not going anywhere. I learned very quickly that I am more motivated when I can visually see my progression. I use mini-goals for my blogging as well.
09. Create A Writing Space
Writing can take a toll on you mentally and physically. Sitting in one place for an extended time can become very tiring. So, create a space that is comfortable and inspiring. I sit on the couch with all my stationery, and I have an inspiration binder that I place everything that I find inspirational in. If I draw blanks from the binder, then I take to Pinterest. Regardless, having a place that you can
10. Don't Stress Over Perfection
Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo itself are meant to be first drafts unless you have a work that needs to be expanded upon/revised. Know that you are not tied down to whatever you write. Stories can be changed, and edits can be made, so just write with the thought that you can always go back and fix it later.
11. Take Breaks
Please, do not overextend yourself. This will cause you to eventually resent your work, and writing will become more of a chore instead of a beautiful experience. There are two ways that I go about writing breaks, if I am doing sprints, I break every other sprint. If I am just writing, I break every 15 to 30 minutes. My breaks are usually between 5 and 15 minutes, depending on what has to get done.