Listcles That I Keep Track of In My Bullet Journal

I am a list person, just ask anyone who knows me. Lists are how I track my day to day activities and frankly, there is nothing more satisfying than checking a task off of that list. I am a box checker at heart, so it makes sense. Because of my love for lists is so great, I have been going to share with you 30 things that I keep track of via Listicles in my bullet journal.

01. Social Media Views

02. Pageviews

03. Sleep

04. Habits

05. Finances

06. Netflix and Hulu Shows to Binge

07. Songs to Listen To

08. Blog Post Titles

09. Blog Post Ideas

10. Bucket List

11. Travel

12. Essential Oils I've Tried

13. Books to Read

14. Movies to See

15. Youtubers I Like

16. Facebook Groups I Run

17. Facebook Groups I am In

18. Water Intake

19. Goals

20. Gratitudes


22. Song Lyrics

23. Meal Plan

24. Master Pantry Check List

25. Weight Loss

26. What's Currently Happening in my life

27. Craft Projects

28. Milestones

29. Places I want to go

30. Mini-Goals

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