4 Tips for Starting a Webcomic

Simply put, a webcomic is a comic that is published online. So, now that we know what it is? What is it that we need to do to actually get started? Here are 4 tips to help you get started with your very own webcomic.

01. Just Start

That's right! Just jump right in! There aren't too many more ways to say it. You should start writing. Once you get into it and you start creating, you will soon develop your own styles and processes. This will make your process simpler and quicker.

02. Focus on the Story, Your Art Will Improve

Do not worry about your art style and abilities just yet, everyone has to start from somewhere. If you do not have the best artistic capabilities, Then the sheer practice that you are going to get out of creating a webcomic will give you the training you need.

03. Be consistent

Post on a regular base and announce it so that your potential audience knows when to come back. Too many times have I started following a webcomic series that posts inconsistently. It's frustrating for your audience. You want to show them that you are reliable and capable of providing them with content on a regular schedule, be that every week, every two weeks, and so on,

04. Engage with your audience

Once you have built a following, even if it is just one person, engage with them. Answer their questions, post on their walls, send them a DM thanking them for being a reader. Let them know that you care.

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