Writing a book is a wonderful journey that will take you to places you have never been. However, your journey, there are a few things to keep in mind while you are writing.
01. Research Your Topic
Reframe from writing about a topic you d not know about. Now, this is not to say that you cannot write on this topic at all. It just means to learn more about your topic before writing. Your readers are smart, and they will be able to tell if you are fudging information or not.
02. Stay On Topic
There is nothing worse than reading a story about a frog and them leap to lions. When you are writing, it is essential to make sure that you do not get off track. It's like listening to a story that is all over the place. It isn't fun for the audience.
03. Read and Revise
Look over your work to make sure that you are conveying your message in an orderly fashion. There are many ways to go about revising your work. You can use talk to text software and listen to your work, or you could use software like Grammarly to show you where your errors are. It also wouldn't hurt to have someone else look over your work either.
04. Enjoy The Writing Process
Writing is an art, and art is to be admired. So while you are working on your craft, make sure that you love every part of it. Writing should not come off as a chore, it should be an enjoyable experience that enlightens and inspires you to do your best.
05. Each Project Is a Writing Journey
Every time you get ready to write for a new project, you go on a writing journey. A writing journey is another way of looking at the writing process itself. However, you choose to write your work, whatever your process is, it is your writing journey. So treat each writing project as an adventure.
06. Make a Plan
Have a game plan before going into your writing journey. An excellent way to plan is to have an outline of some sort. When you have an overview, you are essentially creating a guide for yourself, and it will make your writing journey simpler.
07. Be Consistent
Consistency is key, even when you are going through a rough patch. Make time to complete your work and stick to it. Create large and small goals for yourself to help keep you on track when working on your project. Setting a word count is also essential when you are aiming to be consistent.
08. Writing Can Be Hard
Writing isn't always peaches and cream. Sometimes it is hard to get your words across. Take your time, and you will get through it. Surround yourself with things that inspire you and remember to take breaks. Do not try to force out what is in your head. Eventually, it will all spill out with time.
09. You Will Fall In Love With Your Character, But It Is Okay To Let Them Go
During your writing journey. You will create beautiful characters who will touch your heart, and your audience may even fall in love with them. Regardless, it is okay to let them go. Your characters will grow, develop, and even die. It is okay, as the writer, this is the world that you create.