My Writing Journey Check In #1

So far in my writing journey, I have been making some progress, not as much as I would like to have made, but progress none the less. So far I have obtained and listened to two books that I feel will guide me through the writing process a bit smoother. Those books are "Save The Cat" By Blake Snyder and "Save The Cat Writes A Novel" By Jessica Brody. Both of these books are packed with so much information and resources. The books essentially create a guide for you to follow. Since this will be my first ever novel that I am attempting, having these two books to refer back to whenever I am stuck is going to be a great asset for me.

In one of the writing communities that I am in on Facebook, the term "beat these keys" is used frequently. It essentially refers to the act of typing out a story on your computer. I have yet to "beat these keys" because I find that actually writing the story is too intimidating. I am 100% a planner/plotter. I have been this way all my life. This year, I thought that I would try something a bit different and plan a little then write a little then plan a bit and so on.... however I feel that my story is too convoluted for that sort of writing method so I am going to plan the bulk of things out in my notebook that I am using for the 12 Notebook Challenge, then, I am going to start writing. 

Considering my writing, I have worked most of the arch for my main character and now I am on to working on other characters since a number story arcs blend together or impact one another in some way so I want to make sure that I am taking into account those story concepts as well. Hince a reason why I plot cause if I don't I am sure I would become overwhelmed and set the story down for a really long time.

Granted all goes well, I plan to write anywhere from 5-15 books for this series. I know for a fact that I want to make at least 4 books for this series however, I have made sure that I leave room for the story to grow if need be.

Well, that's about it for my writing journey thus far in 2020. If you are on a writing journey, let me know in the comments down below. Also, if you are into drawing feel free to join my Facebook group.

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