January 2020 Recap

January, I started out strong, but weak at the same time. In January I managed to start so many wonderful projects as well as set so many goals and expectations for the upcoming year, however, I have not been meeting my goals as I had expected for myself. To recap my goals for January of 2020 visit "My Creative Goals For 2020" Blog Post. In this post, I will be reviewing my goals and commenting on what has gone well and what needs improvement.


  • Last month I managed to write about 9 blog posts instead of the 12 that I set out to write, thus I will be adding those missing 3 to this month and I plan on writing 15 blog posts this month.
  • I have not begun my email list, though, for the month of February, it is on my list.
  • I have not gotten around to creating a resources page, then again I have not decided on what Iw ant to have on the page yet.
  • My page views are growing slowly, I want to keep that up and enhance it more.


  • I have not published or started on a webcomic as of yet so this is a goal that I have to begin sooner than later. It is one of my goals to work on at least one webcomic idea this month.


  • I did not publish any low content books this month.
  • I have managed to journal daily so that is exciting.
  • I have not begun my anthology, nor have I completed a guided writing journal.
  • As for the notebook challenge I have not completed a single notebook as of yet and in fact, I have decided to shrink down to an A5 notebook and a travelers's journal.


  • I have not completed a sketchbook. I have scaled down to an A5 notebook for that as well.
  • I am steadily working on my initial writing style.
  • I am currently researching what all needs to go in my portfolio for my art.
  • I have the line art ready to be made into merch.

If you are looking to get into art, I have a Facebook group called "Drawing 101 | Learn to Draw". If you are a seasoned artist, new beginner, or somewhere in between, we welcome you to come to join our supportive art community.


  • I have begun the 100 themes challenge. I have completed 2 themes.
  • Inktober and Camp Nano/Nano are not here yet.
  • I have begun the 100 themes challenge.
  • I have not started a drawing challenge as of yet.

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